charanewme 21 years, 11 months ago

Laurel sorry you have be sick you are in my thougths.

Angela H. 21 years, 11 months ago

I hope you get to feeling better. I hope they can find out why this is happening. Take care and keep us posted!

slspiek1215 21 years, 11 months ago

Please say a quick little prayer for my good friend, Laurel. She is having her second bout with throwing up and not being able to keep anything down in less than a week. Please either send her a quick note or say a little prayer that everything will be OK for her. Her surgeon is in NJ so she has to go to the emergency room here in KC. I know she would appreciate your concern and support. Laurel....hang in there. I will do everything I can to get you on the road to recovery!! I am here for you.....whenever you need.....whatever you need. Stacy

Lisa R. 22 years ago

Welcome to Kansas City, and to the better side of weight loss surgery! Please don't feel alone, it must be hard with no family around, and the lack of support, but there are plenty of people in your WLS family. I am in Lee's Summit, MO and would be glad to help any way I can. I am sending my prayers for you. Lisa

Tracy P. 22 years ago

Laurel~ Congratulations on your surgery. May your doctor's be skilled, your nurse's be compassionate and your recovery be speedy. ~xoxo

tonitreadway 22 years ago

Best wishes to you for a complication free procedure, a speedy recovery, successful weight loss, and life long good health and happiness. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

tonitreadway 22 years ago

Best wishes to you for a complication free procedure, a speedy recovery, successful weight loss, and life long good health and happiness. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

piperkc 22 years ago

Hi Laurel Tomorrow is your big day. Here's to you.....a safe journey to the other side and a speedy recovery Angela in Canada Pre-op 479 BMI 75 Dr Michael Grace May 16, 2002 London Health Sciences Center I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears. Surely..I will heal you." 2 Kings 20:5

Judi W. 22 years ago

Laurel~~ Wishing Good Luck and God's care to you on your Surgery Day and throughout your journey toward health and well-being. I am interested to hear of your progress and experiences...hope you'll update your profile when you are on the other side. (I'd love to see your pictures!!)

Click B. 22 years ago

Laurel, Know you are excited and nervous during this last weekend before surgery. Please know that I wish you good luck on your upcoming surgery! Speedy recovery wishes! Hugs to you!
About Me
Kansas City, MO
Surgery Date
Apr 02, 2002
Member Since
