Christie N. posted a discussion topic 9 years, 3 months ago

I recently had to get on a prescription strength vitamin D supplement because I was low at my labs Last fall. I find that the prescription vitamin D that I get from the pharmacy works better for me than the stuff I ordered from vita lady.

I onl

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 10 years, 11 months ago
what do you take for migranes post op? - I am taking an antidepressant for post partum depression (been on it for 5 wks now) that is causing me to have headaches and sometimes migranes.  My dr said it's ok to take my L...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 9 months ago
Why can't we throw up post op?? - So since I've had my RNY surgery back in 2008, when I've either been sick with a bug or been pregnant - throwing up is not possible now.   With my 3rd pregnancy back in 2009, I onl...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 11 years, 11 months ago
Gaining back some weight after RNY- 4 yrs post op - Ok, question for all you RNY'ers.  In the past 2 months, I've put on like 10 lbs and am not sure what I'm doing wrong!  I had RNY 4 yrs ago this month in June and went from 270...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 3 months ago
No Carbonation at ALL?? - I understand that we shouldn't drink soda post RNY, but can we have any carbonation at all?  I am 3 1/2 yrs out and have mostly avoided soda this whole time.  I have had a can that...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 4 months ago
Dr Oz did a cool show on gastric bypass!! - My SIL called me and told me that Dr Oz did a whole show on gastric bypass surgery today and that he was totally pro-RNY!!  Here's the link to the show he did on it.  Woo-hoo! 

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
Liquid Softgel Prenatal vitamin??? - So I just found out I'm pregnant with #4 this past friday (yay!) and the only vitamin they have at costco for prenatals is a liquid softgel!!!  I have always loved getting my prena...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 6 months ago
Just found out I'm pregnant with #4 a few days ago - Well after just 2 months, I am pregnant with #4!!!  I forgot though with my last pregancy (I was 14 months post op and dr ok'ed getting pg) what extra supplements I took with the p...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
WTH??!! Absorption a few years after RNY?? - Ok, so I posted this thread a few days ago Ok so I had RNY back in June of 2008 and lost 130 lbs in 10 months.  I then got pg with my third baby at 14 months post op (cleared by...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 7 months ago
? for WLS Grads about losing weight at a few yrs o - Ok so I had RNY back in June of 2008 and lost 130 lbs in 10 months.  I then got pg with my third baby at 14 months post op (cleared by my doctor first and got pg the first try! lol...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 9 months ago
using a low dose bcp... could I get pg just using - I had to have my Mirena IUD out a few months ago in the end of April, due to it causing some side effects for me (and feel great since it's been out, yay!!).  Since then, hubby and...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 10 months ago
Celebrex???? - My Mom has had fibromyalgia for a long time now and has also been on Cymbalta for depression for the past 4-5 yrs.   Recently, she forgot to take her cymbalta for a few days and no...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
New from Citrical- CC Gummies??!! -     What do you all think of these and are they ok for RNY patients?? One serving pr...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
? for WLS Grads- Do you ever miss.... - I'm 3 yrs out and just recently have been reminiscing about the "old days".  I remember being able to stay full for like 4-5 hours between meals and being able to drink a full glas...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
? about birth control post op - So I had my 3rd child last April and had a Mirena IUD put in for bc.  I had one put in after the birth of my 2nd child (pre-op) and did fine with it in for 2 1/2 yrs.   But after a...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 12 years, 11 months ago
20 lb gain and it's my 3 yr surgiversary this mont - So I had surgery 3 yrs ago on the 12th and had lost 130 lbs in 10 months.  I then went on to get pg at 13 months out with baby #3 and gained 27 lbs during the pregnancy.  As with m...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 13 years ago
Almost passed out in the shower today... - So I woke up today at 6am and had really bad diarrhea for about 2 hrs off and on.   Plus, feeling sick to my stomach and nauseated.   I started drinking some Caffeine Free Coke (wh...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Calcium Citrate question - I've always taken 600mg of CC three times a day since I've had the RNY, usually with food (or it makes me feel nauseated and plus it doesn't absorb as well w/o food), but in the la...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 1 month ago
Xanax as a sleep aide? - I've been having trouble sleeping lately and have had some hormonal issues that we are going to fix soon with my ob/gyn.  I sometimes take Lunesta (Rx sleep aide) but sometimes tha...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
Question about Mirena IUD - So I had the Mirena IUD in after my 2nd child was born 4 1/2 yrs ago (pre-op when I was heavier) and nursed my baby for a year.  Once I started weaning her, I got af back a little ...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
almost 3 yrs out and need to lose 20 lbs- help me! - I posted this on the main RNY board but thought to post it here with the "grads" to help me out  too! Ok, so I hit goal at 10 months out and was at 140 and very happy.  Then I g...

Christie N. posted a discussion topic 13 years, 2 months ago
almost 3 yrs out and need to lose 20 lbs- help! - Ok, so I hit goal at 10 months out and was at 140 and very happy.  Then I got pg with baby #3 at 14 months out and gained 27 lbs during the pregnancy.   I lost all 27 lbs of baby w...

Christie N. wrote a blog post 13 years, 4 months ago
almost 3 years post op! - Well here I am almost 3 yrs post op (in June) and think I've done pretty well.  I can't believe it's only been 3 yrs since I had the WLS!!! I am currently in the mid 160's, fluctua...
About Me
Riverton, UT
Surgery Date
May 31, 2007
Member Since

Friends 83

Latest Blog 22
Out of the PLUS SIZES!!! Size 16 pants!!
Measurements 10-30-08
4 Months since RNY and 78 pounds gone!
